CV Search

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Who should I contact?

CV Search
If you are interested in using CV Search to headhunt for top candidates on the CareerJunction database, get in touch with the contact form below, scroll down to get in touch.

If you're new to CareerJunction or want to change your account, contact our Sales Team.

Buy Job Ads in Bulk
Large recruiters and agencies, get in touch with one of CareerJunction's Sales Representative to discuss buying your job ads in bulk. We can bundle together all your recruitment needs in one package, contact our Bulk Sales Team.

Recruit Assist
If you want assistance with signing up, posting jobs and managing applicants, contact our Recruit Assist Team.

For help with CareerJunction's recruitment tools, contact our Support Team.

Get in touch

Mon - Thu: 07:30 - 18:00 GMT+2
Fri: 07:30 - 17:00 GMT+2
We're open! excl public holidays

  • +27 87 232 2020

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